Genital Herpes Trigger, Recognizing
the Potential One
Genital herpes trigger is the kind of condition that makes
patient experience genital herpes outbreak. If you can recognize the trigger
then you can manage and minimize your risk of getting genital herpes outbreak. There
are several type of trigger that need to be aware of. Those trigger will be
detailed as follow
sexual intercourse
the friction of sexual intercourse will irritate your skin and causing symptom
to begin. You better avoid spermicide nonoxynol-9 since it can irritate the
mucous membranes and vaginal lining. Oil based lubricant is also the type to
better avoid. In other side, water base lubricant is a better option because it
can minimize irritation.
better choose the right lubricant material and condom material. Besides that,
having a healthy sexual habit is also helpful to minimize your risk of getting
genital herpes. Having multiple sexual partner is also taking part of risk
increasing. Be a monogamous and practice safe sex is better option for your
sexual life and maintain your health in future.
Hormone changes
changes of your hormone which is common to happen during menstrual cycle
usually trigger genital herpes outbreak.
commonly create trauma to the body. Automatically, people who experience
surgery tend to have genital herpes symptom.
Genital herpes trigger and immune
system connection
Weak immune system
your immune system get weakened, your body capability to defend the virus which
try to attack is decreased. Automatically, genital herpes virus tend to come in
easily. Patient with HIV or in chemotherapy treatment is also include in a high
risk of getting genital herpes outbreak. It is simply because this type of therapy and medical treatment
will make your immune system reduced.
the trigger that causing someoe get genital herpes outbreak may not the same
with the other. Even doctor can not be sure that exact trigger will cause the
same effect to the other patient since each person condition is vary. Increase your
awareness. Once you fell that you have the symptom of trigger, called the
doctor or have a visit immediately. Early recognition and high awareness will
increase your chance of getting early proper treatment. Not only that, it helps
you to avoid severe effect in the future that caused by lack recognition of genital herpes trigger.